[a4a] soul found [script offer][first time dating][cuddling][happy][caring][slow and soft spoken][confess to being alone][comfort][emotional][relatable][kisses][l-bomb][compliments][self deprecating][reassurance][sleep aid] oh no, a script without (explicit mention of) boobs or butts god damn it preferably for girls to read synopsis: it's the third day of your date with the listener. you come over and decide to hug and cuddle with them. they then reveal how they never had a real human connection or anyone that would care for them. this makes you both sad and you hug them closer, and similarly confess. you compliment them, to which they start self deprecating. then you reassure them that they really have worth line breaks indicate longer pauses (2-3s per 2 lines) dots are smaller pauses or have words said slower long pauses usually have soft moaning or breathing in between word count: ~800 / preferred average WPM: 48-58 / estimated length: ~13-17 minutes credit: u/11a0 / unkown1832_11a0 start: (sounding happy at first) hello, cutie another day of our growing relationship! yeah i really like getting to know you and spending time with you so i decided to come over your room looks great by the way you know, you were acting really shy when we went out but that's okay i find it cute (giggle) i like shy partners they're the most precious and kind to be with anyway, how are you doing? i can imagine you had a long day today so would you like to cuddle with me? that's my most favorite thing to do "yes"? mmmm, you're the best let's lay down here (bed rustling noises) get the blanket, yeah mmmmm~ all wrapped up and tucked in now.. come into my arms snuggle up to me, baby that's right mmmmmmmmmmmm~~~.... aahhhhhhhh~~~~... you feel so comfy so warm so cuddly (giggle) and you look so adorable resting your head right on my chest ahhh~~.... i'll give you back rubs, too (start playing rubbing sound) mmmmmmmmm~~~... mmmhhmmmmmmm~~~~~.... doesn't that feel really good? so relaxing, isn't it feeling your body loosen up melting into the bed ahhhhh.... cuddles are the best there's nothing more i want than to be here with you yeah, interlock your legs with mine that feels very nice mmmmmmmhmmmmm~~~~~~~..... (sound concerned) oh, ummm babe? hey is anything wrong? you look like you're about to cry... is there a problem? come on tell me please well, you don't have to say anything but then i don't know how to help (listener responds) uhhuh? (sound emotional) (soft gasp) ohhhhhh.... (underbreath) noo... you never had anyone to.. reach out to or... care for you?? not even your parents? you've been alone your whole life?? awwwwww, baby.... that's terrible... i'm really sorry.... (tear up a little) mmmmmm come closer (tighter hugging) (heavy and shaky exhaling) that makes me so sad no don't apologize it's okay... i'm glad you opened up to me about this i've actually been alone for so long, too and i know i couldn't be the only one so i'm happy to have found you neglection is always damaging to the mind why would anyone treat you that way you're always so nice hard working creative caring and you're really cute mhmm and your hugs feel so good~... mmmmm~~... hmm? it hasn't bothered you as much? mmmm well you should still need someone who you can be vulnerable with i'm proud of you for being able to with me not expressing your pain could make things harder on yourself especially when there's no one willing to hear you out luckily, you have me now and i have you hey come up here (slow soft kiss 3 times) did you like that? (giggle) do you want more? yes, i'd like more too (slow soft kiss 5 times) is all of this making you feel better? good (sigh) it hurts me deep down to see you looking unhappy because, you know that pain could cause you to no longer feel emotions like you used to even after being alone for so long leaving you to only feel "okay", sad, or angry which sucks because i just want you to really know and feel that i love you yes i love you so much, babe i want you to be okay and happy you deserve so much better what? what do you mean "no"? (listener self deprecating) (soft gasp) hey hey stop why are you saying that?? (sniffle) (sigh) i see well please don't think that about yourself even if you're joking it makes me sadder to hear that about you listen you're worth way more than you realize or say just because society is fucking harsh out there doesn't mean you should be devalued or that those things you say are true that's not right they have no reason to make you feel like you have no worth do you know your worth? (listener sighs "yes") good i know it can be difficult to admit it when you bury yourself with those awful thoughts so if you ever continue to feel like this come to me about it... please? i know you generally don't feel okay right now but i promise you will (start to whisper slightly) you will be okay you'll be cared for and snuggled very close like you deserve (kiss twice on forehead) i'll play with your hair, too (head rubbing sounds) feels sooo soft~...... there you go~~... just relax~.... good, good~~~.... is there anything else you need right now? anything at all? hm? keep hugging you close? (underbreath) ahhh yes, babe i'll always give you hugs whenever you need them and infinite cuddles (little laugh) anytime, forever huh? you just want to fall asleep for now? uhhuh, that's okay you deserve good sleep sshhhhhh.... i'll be here with you for as long as you want even until way after you wake up anything to make you feel better i hope that i can help you with your problems and i hope we can make the best relationship ever yeah i love you so much (kiss) now go to sleep shhhhhh.... you'll be okay shhhhhhhhhh..... drifting off...... mmmmmmmm.... shhhhhhhh.... it's time to sleep good night, angel~~..... sweet dreams~~.... (kiss) (3+ minutes of deep breathing and some soft moaning)